Tutorials and Papers


OpenGL Water Tutorial
This is a tutorial about the water effect used in the Water-Fire-Sky demo. It uses OpenGL with vertex and fragment programs. A GLSL version and example source code is available in the forums.

Collision Detection Tutorial
This tutorial explains how the collision detection is implemented in some of my demos.


Master Thesis: Hybrides photorealistisches Ray Tracing(in German)
This is the abstract of my Master thesis. It describes the development of a hybrid photorealistic GPU-CPU ray tracer.

Real Time High Dynamic Range Image Based Lighting mit Deferred Shading(in German)
This paper is about the lighting in the IBL demo. Please note that Debevec’s median cut algorithm wasn’t implemented when I wrote the paper, but you can see it in the demo. The paper was written for a seminar at my university.

Techniken zur Visualisierung von Eis- und Schnee-Landschaften mit programmierbarer Grafik-Hardware (in German)
This paper describes the different techniques used in the Snow and Ice Demo. The paper was written for a seminar at my university.

Nicht-Photorealistisches Rendering mit programmierbarer Grafik-Hardware (in German)
This is a very short paper about the non-photorealistic rendering in the NPR demo. The paper was written (in a hurry) for a seminar at my university.

Bachelor Thesis: Entwicklung eines Systems zur dynamischen Beleuchtung von 3D-Szenen (in German)
This is my Bachelor Thesis. It describes the development of a system, called FireRenderer, for the dynamic lighting of  3d-scenes. FireRenderer supports animated volume light sources to simulate the lighting of a fire in real time.